urban design

laboratoire du désert

co-founded by Prof Jean-Bernard Racine, and M.Arch Bernard Cherix




Le Laboratoire du désert: think tank created to apply the principles of participation to the creation of a neighbourhood house in the eponymous place. Lausanne, 2011-2018


Neighbourhood safari organised to raise awareness of obsolete 1970s urban planning with the conflict between increasing car traffic dividing the neighbourhood and pedestrians -especially children and the elderly- having to walk to the other side of the artery. Lausanne, 2015



Citizens’ proposal for an urban renewal: Densification as a mean of repairing 1970’s town planning. 2016



Reflections on the mobility and transport of goods within the Kasbah of Algiers. Unesco World Heritage Site. Academic project for the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities, AGYA, 2020


 Application for funds to restore the historic facade from the Kindergarten of the Sophie parish in Berlin-Mitte. EU funds ERDF / Städtebaulischer Denkmalschutz Land Berlin, 2009



Nova Huta [PL]: proposal for spatial diversification of a socialist city. Contribution to the IX Biennial of Architecture in Cacow, 2002


Strategy for the transformation of industrial e.g. Berlin-Schöneweide –historic site– allowing an osmosis with neighbouring urban area. Academic project, Master of Architecture by research (project) of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. 1999-2001