Elective course on « openBIM » given to master students in architecture and civil engineer between 2016 – 17 at EPFL.
This interdisciplinary course aimed to introduce the BIM method to the future project managers and business owners. It was a practice oriented course based on more than 15 years of experience in digital mockup production, special attention was given to the digitisation of existing and historic buildings.
Beyond modelling, the objective was to promote open formats such as .IFC and .BCF or .xyz, .las, dxf, rather than CAD softwares.
After each lectures, students were asked to work on the production of a digital mockup as practical exercise.
On following semester, students could register for a « teaching unit » to exploite the mockup they produced during the elective course and learn how to carry out simulations. In 2016 they reproduced the mockups of pavilions constituting a large school complex in Lausanne: les Bergières.
Softwares used for demonstrations and exercise during this course were: Allplan, Archicad, Lesosai, Plancal, QGIS, Revit Rhinoceros, SCIA, Solibri
A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure linked to the CAD servers for collaborative work and a Common Data Environment (CDE) for interdisciplinary digital mockup production and analysis was created.
A prototype immersive screen was built to learn how to navigate in a three-dimensional virtual space and as a design development tool.
The course is a draft that relates the state of knowledge of this year. In the meantime the technologies have evolved and the SIA has published the technical supplement 2051 “Building Information Modelling, Basis for the application of the method” (Zurich, 2018) as well as several commentaries on EU norms (i.e. CEN TC 442).
As it was under construction, no written transcription had yet been made.
Cours 01
Les outils de la 4e révolution industrielle
–Tools of the 4th industrial revolution–
Cours 02
Construire à l’ére du numérique
–to build in the digital age–
(Lecture given by a building company)
Cours 03
SIG – BIM, démarrage d’un projet
–GIS to BIM, starting a project–
Cours 04
Construction de maquettes numériques
–Building digital mockups–
Cours 05
Transformation et rénovation
–Transformation and rénovation–
Cours 06
Le mode collaboratif
–The collaborative mode–
Cours 07
Objets BIM & bibliothèques
–BIM objects & libraries–
Cours 08
Interdisciplinarité & coordination
–Interdisciplinarity and coordination–
Cours 09
La maquette numérique de l’ingénieur civil
–Digital Mockup from civil engineer–
(Lecture given by a practitioner)
Cours 10
Building Energy Model (BEM) -simulation énergétique
–Building Energy Model–
Introduction course to:
interdisciplinary project: civil engineer & architect
With Prof. A.Nussbaumer.
. a plea for re-introducing drawing course (withdrew from academic plan in the 1970’s)
. présentation of the school complexe Bergières Lausanne on which students will work.