Research by project & design proposal. Berlin, 1999 – 2007
Paradox of the post-industrial society: millions of vacant production spaces and unaffordable office rental prices for micro-companies.

Pilot project proposal micro-workspaces for sole traders:
Rent EUR 42.-/month for 8m2 in individual unit based on field research (2007). Compare, in canton of Vaud (CH) 2020 one table in state subsidised co-working open space: CHF 400.-/month!

Work alone from home:
what are the chances of professional success?
1999 – 2001 : Reclaiming Industrial Zones –strategy for a mutation–
Master of Architecture by research (project)
Host institution: RMIT, School of architecture + design
Academic supervision: MM. Nigel Bertram, Shane Murray, Prof. Leon van Schaik, Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch
Consultants: Alexandra Restaurierung, Berlin. Christian Brensing, Ove Arup, Berlin.
Funded by: Australian-European Award Program (DEST-IDP), DAAD
2002 – 2006 : Research project proposal and field research on the re-use of former headquarters of East Germany’s newspaper “Neues Deutschland”.
Host institution: TU-Berlin, Institut für Städtebau und Architektur (ISA)
Funded by: the university, institute and external funds
2006 – 2007 : Pilot project proposal and documentation (“Tunis paper”)
Host institution: TU-Berlin, Institut für Städtebau und Architektur (ISA)
Funded by: the university, institute and external funds
Project mentor: Prof. Dipl. Ing. Klaus Zillich, director ISA / TU-Berlin
Collaborators: B.Arch. (Hons.) Nancy Couling, ISA / TU-Berlin, Dr. Phil. Barbara Hinding, Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG) / TU-Berlin, Dipl. Kom. Wirt. Ch. Groß, Cand. Ing. Thomas Holz, Dipl. Ing. M. Humann
B.Arch. (Hons.) S. Sandrasegar, Student A. Ramzi, Trainee M. Rasoamanarivo
Research project expertise (extract):
– TU-Berlin: Dr. Hans-Liudger Dienel (ZTG)
– Berlin, The Senator for Urban Development: Ingeborg Junge-Reyer
– TÜV- Academy and Consulting (Projektträger Mobilität und Verkehr, Bauen und Wohnen des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung): MM. Bernd Meyer, Thilo Petri
– IBB, Investitionsbank Berlin – Europa Service: Dr. Holger Kuhle
*) The name « Arbeiten Morgen » refers to « Wohnen Morgen » which is a housing construction in Hollabrunn (Vienna) by the architect Ottokar Uhl and built in the 1970’s. The method used in Uhl’s project was based on N. John Habraken’s participatory design. Both were members of the Dutch « Stiching Architecten Research » (SAR) group.